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When we baptize babies in the Episcopal Church, the priest asks the congregation:

Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support this person in their life in Christ?

The congregation responds:

We will.

This is why St. Paul's takes formation (Christian education) of children so seriously. It's a promise we made to them at their baptism!

Children are not empty vessels, waiting to be filled up with our knowledge about God. They are already filled with experiences and wisdom of God moving in their lives.


Children's formation at St. Paul's lays the foundation for our youngest members to continue growing into the full stature of Christ their whole lives long.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me... for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

Matthew 19:14

Godly Play

3 years to 1st grade

In Godly Play, children learn about and seek God's presence through stories, liturgy, discovery, wonder, and joy.

Godly Time

2nd to 5th grade

In Godly Time, students learn about the love of God through Bible stories and activities.

Children's Formation at St. Paul's Southington.jpg

The teachers at St. Paul's are... you!

All training and curricula are provided for you. All you need is to love kids and be curious about how to teach them about God.

Think you might want to teach Children's formation? Get in touch with Jenn Handi to learn more!

Everyone who works with children at St. Paul's undergoes a background check.


They also undergo regular Safe Church training through the diocese to keep everyone safe. Children are never left alone with any one adult; there are always two (unrelated!) teachers in each room.

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