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St. Paul's is an Episcopal Church. We follow the Constitution and Canons of the national Episcopal Church; the canons of our diocese, the Episcopal Church in Connecticut; and our own by-laws.
Below are links to our governance documents. Questions? Contact Senior Warden Mary Palinkos or a vestry member!
St. Paul's Vestry Meetings
The minutes from each month's vestry meeting are below.
Note that the minutes are taken at one meeting, but approved at the next. So they appear on a 1-2 month delay. Please contact Mary Palinkos if you have a specific question in the interim.
You're most welcome to attend a vestry meeting, either to listen or to bring up a specific topic. If you're bringing a specific topic, it's best if you let us know ahead of time, but it's not required. A time for visitors is always reserved at the start of the meeting.
St. Paul's Local By-Laws
St. Paul's is run by its clergy and the lay leaders called the Vestry.
(More about St. Paul's here.)
The Vestry passes the annual budget and supports the clergyperson in making decisions about the parish. Like a board of trustees, they have fiduciary responsibility over the parish's finances. Senior and Junior Wardens, along with the Clerk, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, constitute the officers of the Vestry. At-large vestry members serve for three years.
St. Paul's by-laws, updated as of 2023
St. Paul's meets each January for its Annual Meeting. All active members of the church are encouraged to attend. Committees and ministries give updates on their work from the prior year, as do the other leaders of the parish.
St. Paul's Annual Report 2023
Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Every year in the fall, clergy and lay representatives from each parish meet to discern how God is calling us, as a diocese, to act in the world.
Annual Convention Website
More on Episcopal Church in Connecticut Governance
Episcopal Church Constitutions and Canons
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