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St. Paul's Manna Blog

He humbled you by letting you hunger, then by feeding you with manna... in order to make you understand that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
(Deuteronomy 8:3)

  • Rev. Helena Martin

Since our return to receiving wine at communion, we've been drinking from single-serve glasses. This seems to be working well—although it's much more work for the Altar Guild.

Now, though, the bishops are asking everyone to return to unrestricted Eucharistic practices: specifically "one bread and one cup."

Photo by RDNE Stock project

The vestry and I have decided that St. Paul's will return to the common communion cup for all Eucharist services beginning on Sunday, October 1.

When COVID-19 first arrived, we didn't know much about how it was conveyed. (Perhaps, like me, you diligently wiped down your groceries with bleach wipes for a few weeks before the science evolved to tell us that this was unnecessary.)

Three years of masks and vaccines and caution have made us understandably jumpy about all drinking from the same cup during flu season.

So, why the emphasis on the common communion cup? And what if that doesn't sound like a good idea to you quite yet?

One Eucharistic Meal

On certain Sundays, we send Eucharistic Visitors to take communion to the homebound members of our community. That sending prayer concludes,

We who are many are one body because we all share one bread, one cup.

The idea is that the people who will consume the communion element(s) later that day will be participating in the same meal as us, even if they couldn't be in the building that morning.

The language of "one bread, one cup" is central to our Eucharistic theology. You only need to read one of our Eucharistic prayers to see that Jesus blessed and broke a loaf of bread, then blessed and shared a cup of wine. Not a dinner roll for each guest and tiny individual cups of wine.

What about dipping the bread in the wine?

Dipping the bread in the wine is called "intinction." The practice has been part of the church for centuries. Most recently, intinction became common in the 1980s during the panic surrounding the AIDS epidemic.

Unfortunately, this practice has the opposite effect from what you might imagine. In short: our hands are dirtier than our mouths. And anyone who's ever distributed the wine during communion can tell you that allowing intinction basically guarantees dirty fingers in the wine.

So, while sharing a cup may seem daring or even foolish, consuming a little wine from a cup where everyone puts their hands is much worse.

But is drinking from the cup safe?

In short: it's safer than many other activities you're participating in. Silver has antimicrobial properties. Also, the Eucharistic minister wipes the lip of the chalice after you drink, then rotates the chalice so the next person is using a fresh part of the chalice.

The combination of the silver with the physical wiping makes for a pretty safe situation at the altar rail. (Some also say that the alcohol in the wine helps sterilize potential infections, but I think that's less well documented.)

This article summarizes many journal articles affirming the above.

Basically, you're more likely to catch COVID from breathing the air of the unmasked people breathing around you than from taking wine at communion. That may or may not be comforting, but it's true. More on transmission of COVID here.

Still uncomfortable?

Don't worry! You can hang back for a few weeks or months until you get more comfortable with the idea. Continue to receive the bread only, then step away or cross your arms when the wine comes.

Remember that our church's theological mind on this is long settled: consuming just one element (the bread or the wine) grants all the same benefits of receiving both.

If you're concerned, or if you have feedback as we go, I would love to hear from you.

  • Rev. Helena Martin

NRSV: Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

CEB: Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

The NRSV is the New Revised Standard Version, which is the academic standard for biblical translation. The Common English Bible is a more accessible translation. Both are approved for use during worship in the Episcopal Church.

  • Rev. Helena Martin

The vestry and I had a great conversation this week about a quote from fourth century theologian John Chrysostom:

The Holy Scriptures were not given to us that we should enclose them in books, but that we should engrave them upon our hearts.

We do a lot of things to engrave scripture on our hearts at St. Paul's. We read the Bible aloud, Old Testament and New, each week. We hear sermons to open the words of scripture to us in new ways. The words of the Book of Common Prayer are filled with words and passages from the Bible, so that many of us have them memorized. We sing words from the Bible in hymns and anthems.

But all of that happens on Sunday mornings.

What about the rest of the week?

Many of us have daily or weekly Bible-reading practices. But many of us have never regularly opened a Bible in our homes.

For this program year, I propose that we take on a new spiritual practice all together as a parish: St. Paul's Verse of the Week.

St. Paul's Verse of the Week

Each week, we'll have one verse from the Bible to focus our week together. The verses will come from all kinds of books of the Bible: Old Testament stories, prophets, wisdom literature, gospel stories of Jesus, and New Testament teachings.

You're invited to engage with the verse in any way that's meaningful to you.

I plan to journal on the verse as part of my prayer practice that week. You could also:

  • memorize the verse

  • read it aloud as a family at the dinner table each night

  • read the verse in the broader context of the book it's in

  • draw or otherwise make art of the verse

  • or any other way you can think to engage with it.

The verse may or may not come up on Sundays during worship or formation classes. The main idea is for us to have a small assignment to take home with us, and to try on new ways to engage with scripture. Whatever you do, the goal is to engrave that verse on your heart that week.

I wonder how this consistent, specific, shared engagement with scripture will shape our community this year? I hope you'll take up this invitation and join me!

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