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A New Way of Being Together Online

Mary Palinkos

As you know, we're worshiping in person again. Thanks be to God—and to everyone who makes worship happen every week.

And! Starting this morning, our worship will be streamed on Facebook Live, as well.

A photo of a dozen teens with their parents. The heading says: Join us for worship every Sunday! in person and on Facebook Live. Facebook Live stream starts 10:05am, worship starts 10:15am,

Here are some FAQs to help with the transition:

How do I join worship on Facebook?

Visit the St. Paul's Facebook page at 10:15am on Sundays. The page will show you that we have a live video starting. Click the video and join us. You can join from a computer, tablet, or phone.

Be sure to "like" St. Paul's on Facebook, too. Then you'll get notifications when our live videos begin, if you're already on Facebook at that time.

Remember that you're not just "watching" worship like you'd watch TV; you can pray and worship at home. Sing along to the music, and pray along with the words. Type to each other in the chat to share your prayers and your reflections.

If you don't have a Book of Common Prayer at home, please email Rev. Helena and ask for one so you can better worship with us.

Do I need a Facebook account?

Nope! No Facebook account is necessary. If you want to leave comments, though, you will need to sign in to a Facebook account.

Why the change?

The sound on our Zoom/YouTube setup was sometimes very difficult to hear. We've been making technical upgrades, and we're excited to share this new way of worshiping together online. (We also streamlined the sound within the sanctuary, which should make it easier to hear in person, too.)

Can I still join on Zoom?

No, this setup means we're moving away from Zoom for now. Please ignore any Zoom link you have and use the Facebook link instead:

Will it go perfectly the first few times?

Maybe not! We're doing our best to make sure the transition goes well. Please bear with us through any technical difficulties.

I have thoughts about this. Whom should I tell?

Please contact Rev. Helena with your feedback about the new setup! She wants to hear from you as we "try on" this new way of connecting online. Hopefully it will mean even more people can connect with us and with each other on Sunday mornings.


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