The following prayer came across my social media newsfeed this week. I found it particularly moving and wanted to share it with the St. Paul's community.
I've linked to the original blog post with the prayer and included the prayer in its entirety below. I'm offering up this prayer this week, and I hope you'll join me.

sometimes I think about
how much of my job
is listening to those
who are hurt
Sometimes I pray about
all those without ears to hear
Those who are quick to judge
or center themselves
or say, if they had just…
I think about how often Jesus just sat
and listened, really listened
and validated people’s pain,
and then called them by name.
Sometimes I think about
how much of the community’s job
is listening,
Fiercely listening to those
who are unheard, or drowned out our ignored
Fiercely listening
who are hurt,
without judgement
or agenda
…just listening fiercely
to those who have been
especially hurt
and then I
try to practice
that fierce listening
taking to heart
the cries of injustice
opening my ears to hear
and my heart to be melted
Help me to do my job I pray.