This is a post to invite you to two completely unrelated things.
1. A Holy Lent
This week, we began the celebration of Lent. We wore ashes to remind us of our mortality. We switched our decorations from green to purple and removed the flowers from the sanctuary. Our children will “bury the All*luias” before our 10:15am service begins this morning, so that we remember not to use that word until Easter!
So, consider this one more invitation to observe Lent this year.
From the liturgy we prayed on Ash Wednesday this past week:
I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.
Remember that a Lenten practice can be about putting something down (like social media, complaining, or alcohol), but it can also be about taking something up (like a practice of walking every day, or starting a gratitude journal). Last year, I wrote a post with four suggestions for spiritual “new year’s resolutions,” which are applicable to Lent, as well.
How will you make Lent meaningful and holy for yourself this year?
2. Vestry Meetings
On an entirely different note: did you know that you’re welcome to attend our vestry meetings?
The vestry meets monthly to conduct the business of the parish. Join us the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Parish Hall. If you’ve ever wondered what a “warden” is or what it is that the vestry actually does, here’s your chance to find out first-hand.
All are welcome to attend to listen. And, if you have a specific issue you’d like to raise, you can do so at the Visitors’ Forum, which happens at the beginning of each meeting. (Feel free to stay for the rest of the meeting, or leave after the forum is over.)
If possible, please let me know ahead of time if you plan to raise an issue at Visitor’s Forum. That way, I can make sure there’s enough time allotted for you.